Chantraine Dance in Brief

A holistic approach to dance: the Dance of Expression
Ballet, contemporary, jazz and traditional dance styles
Classes for all ages, friendly and collaborative
Created by Alain and Françoise Chantraine

The Chantraine Dance of Expression unites the artistic, the educational and the human dimensions of dance.
Chantraine dance invites you into a world of movement, music, poetry, sculpture and connection with the natural world. Françoise Chantraine has created over 180 rich and diverse choreographies with many different kinds of music. She has developed an approach to dance which enables each dancer to be fully present in every step and gesture.
Françoise and Alain Chantraine have developed a complete philosophy and practice of dance education. The teaching method offers a joyful and yet challenging approach to learning, dancing and living, through the “five Chantraine times”.
Chantraine Dance is based on respect and love for human beings in all their diversity. All are welcome to the classes and events.
The Chantraine Approach
“I breathe, I let go, I discover…”

This video gives you a taste of Chantraine Dance and features performances & classes by teachers and advanced dancers. Chantraine Dance classes are for all ages and dance abilities.
There are 3 main features:
– A focus on the positive, whatever happens
– Awareness of different levels of energy
– A balanced experience in every class through the Chantraine “5 times of life and dance”: from Rhythm (exploring different possibilities in times, weight and space), Inner Awareness (relaxing and awakening the imagination), Technique, Creativity (the vocabulary of dance), Choreography (dancing in harmony with others)
The Creators & Pioneers of Chantraine Dance

Françoise Chantraine has been highly honoured in France and by Unesco for her contribution to dance. She is, above all, a hugely inspiring dancer, choreographer and teacher. A gifted violinist, she taught music and art and studied psychology and physiotherapy. She has also travelled and danced in Europe and America. A book, “La Danse de la Vie”, describes her life and work. An English translation is also available, contact Kate Green.
In 2018, Françoise entrusted the direction of her School to Marie Laure de Blois, whom she trained and with whom she has worked closely since 2000. Françoise continues to watch over the transmission of her work.

Alain Chantraine (1929-2000), Françoise’s husband, was a musician as well as an artist and designer, poet and philosopher. His work lives on in the school that bears his name. A collection of his poetry has been translated into English (for more information, contact Kate Green).

Patricia Woodall (1930 – 2019) trained with Francoise Chantraine, and first pioneered Chantraine dance in England in 1978. She founded and directed the English Chantraine school, and for 40 years taught regular classes, workshops and organised Chantraine performances in London as well as training new Chantraine teachers. Her creativity, energy and passion for Chantraine dance shone out into the world.

Marie-Laure de Blois, dancer and Chantraine dance teacher trained by Françoise, has been assisting Françoise since 2000 in the management of the school and professional training. In 2018, Françoise entrusted the direction of the Chantraine School of Dance in France to Marie-Laura de Blois; she is committed to continuing to promote the work of Alain and Françoise with the help of the entire team of teachers.

In 2018, Françoise Chantraine entrusted responsibility for the direction of her school in the UK and teacher training here to Kate Green. Kate was trained by Patricia and Françoise and continues to work closely with the School in France.
60 Years: an International School
The Ecole de Danse Chantraine was founded in France in 1958. There are now 4 centres in Paris and Neuilly, aswell as centres in Amiens, Brussels, Fontainebleu, Isère, Lille, Orleans, Nancy, Rueil-Maison and Tours.
The Chantraine School of Dance opened in NW London in 1978 and currently has centres in London (East and North West), Amersham (Buckinghamshire) and Brighton with classes available also online.
The Chantraine Manifesto